Help your customers convert data to your online accounting software

We know that migrating business-critical data to your software is one your biggest challenges during customer onboarding. Converting data is a complex process that we have radically simplified. Our software does the hard work of converting data.

Blazing fast

Almost all migrations are completed within 12.5 minutes

100% success rate

All migrations have a 100% success rate. 

100% secure

Hosted in the most secure cloud in the world.

Expert technical support

A dedicated team of accountants and technology experts are available for assistance.

Converting data has never been easier

Customers can move their data in just 4 simple steps:

Prepare your accounts

Get everything ready for a smooth transition

Share your data

Dataswitcher can migrate from desktop or online accounting software

Share your data​

Dataswitcher can migrate from desktop or online accounting software​

Connect to your new system

Allow Dataswitcher to migrate your data

Review your data

Confirm that migration has been successful

Review your data

Confirm that migration has been successful

Congratulations 🎉

The customers data has successfully converted to your accounting software

Converting from and to all the major accounting plaforms​

Others accounting platforms use Dataswitcher to help their clients move data successfully