All migrations have a 100% success rate.
Hosted in the most secure cloud in the world.
Multiple conversion tiers so you can select which data comes across!
Discover if your conversion is possible and what it costs. Get your quote!
It could take up to 48 hours to migrate your data, although usually it is much faster – 90% of conversions take 12.5 minutes or less. During the conversion you must not access or use your new accounting software.
Your data will be stored on AWS and protected using industry-standard SSL encryption when using Dataswitcher.
Your legacy data is converted to Dataswitcher format and validated before posting to the new accounting system.
Once your conversion is approved, your data is deleted from Dataswitcher servers.
Every accounting system has its own nuances, please check the conversion limitations document for the service you wish to migrate from.
Depending on the source accounting system, the following data may not be converted:
Most conversion paths are free! Your software vendor subsidises the cost of converting your data to help onboard you onto their system as seamlessly as possible. This often includes 2 years of data.
You may purchase optional extras, such as additional years data in the Dataswitcher wizard.
No, the conversion must be to a new, empty destination file.
Dataswitcher will migrate an unlimited number of transactions. Very large files will take longer to convert.
Yes! We make a copy of your data and convert it to your new system. Your old accounting software is unchanged.